Several editions of Windows 10 21H2 reached their end of service (EOS) on Patch Tuesday this month, as Microsoft reminded customers today.
Since Windows 10 21H2 (also known as Windows 10 November 2021 Update) will no longer receive security updates, customers are advised to upgrade to the latest version as soon as possible to avoid security issues. ‘exposing their systems to attacks exploiting unpatched security vulnerabilities.
“Customers who contact Microsoft Support after this date will be prompted to update their device to the latest version of Windows 10 or upgrade to Windows 11 to remain supported,” Microsoft said. said in a first announcement on March 14.
The full list of Windows 10 21H2 editions that reached end of service on June 13, 2023 includes:
- Windows 10 Home, version 21H2
- Windows 10 Professional, version 21H2
- Windows 10 Pro Education, version 21H2
- Windows 10 Pro for Workstations, version 21H2
After the end of service date is reached, Windows 10 21H2 devices running Home and Pro editions will stop receiving vital security updates, monthly quality updates including bug fixes and patches fixing vulnerabilities newly identified security.
Windows 10 20H2 for enterprise and education users also reached EOS in Mayafter several other versions (Home, Pro, Pro Education and Pro for Workstations) reached it a year ago, in May 2022.
Windows 10 22H2 and Windows 11 22H2 in extended deployment
Windows 10 2022 Update (also known as Windows 10 22H2) has reached wide deployment and is now rolling out to all users via Windows Update, starting in November.
This update is available for eligible devices running Windows 10 20H2 or later if they are not affected by compatibility holds and have not been configured to defer feature updates.
Nevertheless, Microsoft intends to force installation of Windows 10 2022 Update on unmanaged consumer and business devices running Windows 10 20H2 until it reaches end-of-service status (EOS ) this month.
“To help you stay protected and productive, Windows Update will automatically release a feature update for Windows 10 consumer devices and unmanaged business devices that are at end of service or within months of end of service. “, said Microsoft. said Today.
“This keeps your device supported and receiving monthly updates essential to the security and health of the ecosystem. For these devices, you will be able to choose a convenient time for your device to restart and complete the update.”

The Windows 11 22H2 (aka Windows 11 2022 Update) has also entered widespread availability since October for devices meeting the eligibility criteria.
Notably, Microsoft is now force installation this update on systems currently running Windows 11 21H2, which is fast approaching its end of service (EOS) date, scheduled for October 10, 2023.
“Since Windows 10, we’ve been helping Windows users stay up-to-date and secure with supported versions of Windows through automatic updates,” the company said. said on the Windows Release Health Dashboard.
“We’re using this same approach for Windows 11 to help you stay protected and productive. As always, you’ll have the option to choose a convenient time for your device to restart and complete the update.”
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