

The US National Security Agency (NSA) has released guidelines to help remote workers secure their home networks and protect their devices from attack.

The guide released Wednesday by the Defense Department’s intelligence agency includes a long list of recommendations, including a short list of highlights urging remote workers to ensure their devices and software are up to date.

Telecommuters are also advised to back up their data regularly to avoid data loss and disconnect equipment they are not using if they do not require an active internet connection at all times.

To remove non-persistent malware if any of your devices are infected, you should also reboot them frequently or schedule a reboot to further minimize this risk.

“At a minimum, you should schedule weekly reboots of your routing device, smartphones, and computers. Regular reboots help remove implants and ensure safety,” the NSA said. said.

Other best practices include using an unprivileged user account on your computer, enabling automatic updates whenever possible, covering webcams, and disabling microphones when not in use. not used to block eavesdropping attempts via compromised devices or malware.

NSA Home Network Security Tips
Home Network Security (NSA) Tips

Use your own router and keep it up to date

The NSA also recommends using a personal router that must be updated through the standard modem or router provided by the ISP, which may not receive regular security updates.

“Your router is the gateway to your home network. Without proper security and patching, it is more susceptible to compromise, which can also lead to other devices on the network being compromised,” the NSA said.

“To minimize vulnerabilities and improve security, your home network’s routing devices should be updated with the latest patches, preferably through automatic updates.”

Routers should also be replaced on or before they reach their end-of-life date to ensure they continue to receive security patches to address newly discovered vulnerabilities that attackers could exploit when attempting to network breach.

Previously, the NSA also provided guidance on securing wireless devices, voice or video communicationsAnd IPsec Virtual Private Networksas well as reduce the risks of localization.

“In the age of remote working, your home network can be used as an access point by state actors and cybercriminals to steal sensitive information. We can minimize this risk by securing our devices and networks, and through behavior Safe Online”, NSA Cybersecurity Technical Director Neal Ziring said today.


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